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The DenseLight DL-US series are uncooled edge emitting LEDs in TO-can or coaxial pigtail package engineered for optical communication systems and test instruments. It operates over a wide temperature range from 0 to 70C without any need for a thermoelectric cooler and temperature controller.
Product Offering
Features & Performance:
- Uncooled edge emitting LED in TO-can, coaxial pigtail or collimation TOSA
- High coupled power to SMF /MMF
- Narrow beam divergence upon collimation (free-space model)
- Center wavelength of 1310nm and 1550nm (for datacom), other wavelengths on request
- Form factor available:TO-56, TO-56 coaxial pigtail, and others on request
- Cost effective and flexible manufacturing process
- Monitoring photo diode (Optional)
TO-56 With Flat Window
TO-56 With Aspherical Lens
TO-56 Coaxial Pigtail
- Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer (ROADM)
- Optical test instrument
- Fiber optic sensors
- Optical metrology
- Optical transceiver
- Power line transmission monitor
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